Hi Dr. Sangeeta
I am very sorry to inform you that due to three members of the team have not got their passport into their hands it will not be able to send the application for Visa on time. They can not go on separate group now. They thought they can get the passport in time but only four guys have their passports in hand to proceed for visa application now.
Therefore they have inform me that they will not hurry up to get the visa for now. Once they all have got the passport in hand they will be applying for the visa again.
They may not totally catch up with the current program in Assam. But they would love to come to Assam if we can invite them for cultural, historical and way of living exchanges bewteen Dai in Yunnan and Tai in NE India.
May be they can come with more group.
I feel sorry for everyone who has tried very hard to let the Tai Mao group coming.
该帖子在 2010/1/21 17:11:20 编辑过